This weekend has been so beautiful. 20 degree heat on both Saturday and Sunday, and it meant that we were able to get some jobs done in the garden and enjoy the sun together.
At the front of the house, we finally painted the wooden beam above our front door. I say "we", but that actually means Sam because I was too short to reach the bloody thing! I bought some black outdoor paint last Summer when we moved in but we never got around to painting it for one reason or another.
In the back garden, we've started to prep for a bug-friendly garden. We've put a bee hotel up on the fence in the sunniest part of the garden in the hopes of attracting leaf cutter bees or other bee varieties, and we've moved some bricks into place in the opposite corner ready to build a bug hotel as soon as I can bring home some wooden pallets from one of our sites. The plan is to have 3 pallets in total stacked on top of each other using the bricks - each section underneath a pallet will then be filled with things like pinecones, bamboo sticks, plantpots etc, ready for any potential guests to move in.
Once we got all of that out of the way, we spent the rest of the weekend desperately trying to get some colour back into our pale skin. Penny has been happy, switching from sunning herself with some ice cubes to rolling in the dirt to cool off. It's been good to wear something short-sleeved for a change instead of being wrapped up in 3 layers and a jumper!
We've also managed to fit in more driving practise for me, a hands-free dog walk for Penny (with our new waist belt/dog lead investment), and - on my part - some shameless selfies because I felt cute as least until I went outside and was forced back into my ugly squint by the sun.